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Terms and Conditions

Information on Services and Rates

In all cases they are indicative and do not have confirmation. Requests for services will be governed by the conditions detailed below.


1) Payments before the definitive confirmation of the services by the Agency are for reservations on account of the highest amount. The definitive confirmation of the respective final services and prices will occur with the total cancellation of the agreed price, the issuance of tickets and/or service orders (vouchers) and the issuance of the corresponding billing.

2) The price and/or reservation of the services that make up the tour or the individual services required are subject to modifications without prior notice when there is an alteration in the services, changes in costs or in the expected exchange rates, for reasons not attributable to the parties.

3) Credit operations must satisfy the specific requirements set for them. The interested party must complete the payment of the price and the balances in the terms and conditions established in the contract with the banking entities that finance them. The Agency is in charge of the professional information of all the products and services it sells, as well as the details of the trip and the requirements referring to the personal documentation of the passengers to enter or transit the chosen destination outside of Argentina and the requirements referred to visas. and other immigration procedures.

4) At the time of quoting, the site and/or the sales executive will show, display and/or offer the rate available at the time of the quote at the time of the query. The rates indicated, at the sole discretion of the provider, could admit changes with penalties and/or rate differences or refunds with penalties. As of 2020, by virtue of the creation of promotional rates called “superflex” or similar, the passenger acknowledges that they acquire said promotional rate with the conditions and limitations provided by the service provider.

5) The prices of the services will be in foreign currency when they are provided abroad (cf. Res. 7/2002), the same as the flights by block off or quota and/or charters. Payments will be received in pesos at the exchange rate in force at the time of the payment day, and will be deducted as payment on account from the total quoted in the foreign currency. The balance will be paid in pesos at the current price on the day of its effective accreditation in the accounts informed by the Agency. In the event that the passenger chooses to pay in foreign currency, in the event of withdrawal or cancellation of services, refunds will be in legal tender (cf. Art. 765 CCyCN).

6) Passengers who pay in cash, will be subject to the provisions of Res. 3825/2015 AFIP and those that may be issued in the future in this regard. Those who pay for services provided abroad, are aware of the exchange restrictions due to government measures unrelated to this company. The rules set forth in Res. Gral AFIP 4815, regarding tax perceptions.


The services that are specified in the itinerary corresponding to what was contracted. Round trip transportation, when this service is expressly included in the detail of services, with the type, characteristics and category that appears in said detail, according to whether the service is regular, charter or with a block off system (blocking). and according to the destination with or without stopovers and/or connections; assistance to the traveler in accordance with the conditions of the service, if applicable and/or its modality is expressly indicated in the respective voucher; Accommodation in the hotels mentioned in the itineraries in single, double or triple rooms, depending on the number of passengers staying, with private bathroom and taxes included, unless otherwise expressly stipulated and/or except in cities and/or countries that charge overnight rates directly to the passenger; meal regimen, as indicated at each opportunity; Visits and excursions mentioned. Transfers to and from airports, terminals and/or hotels, when indicated. The number of days of accommodation provided in the service voucher, considering that the day of hotel accommodation is computed from fifteen hours and ends at twelve hours of the following day, regardless of the time of arrival and departure and/or the Full or partial use of the hotel service. Mindful that hotel legislation is of a local nature, if for reasons inherent to it the end time of the accommodation is before twelve hours, the rooms may be occupied until the departure time indicated by the hotel upon check-in, and this The company may not make any changes to said circumstance, nor deal with special situations. After the time limit, the passenger must pay the corresponding rate to the hotel, according to those in force and/or rack rate or counter rate that may vary with respect to the rate paid to the agency. The duration of the tour will be indicated in each case, taking as the first day the day established in the travel documentation, and as the last, the day of departure from the destination, regardless of the departure or arrival times, origin and destination, respectively.

Hotel services: in general, hotel establishments have a small number of rooms with triple availability; Therefore, it is common for triple rooms to be made up of a double room to which an additional collapsible bed is added, which could limit its functional comfort. Said limitation will be informed at the time of booking so that said limitation is accepted by the passenger.


1) Extras, drinks, meals, washing and ironing clothes, tips, expenses of a personal nature, excess baggage, telephone calls, boarding fees, penalty for failure to check-in online, tolls, when not specified Otherwise, fees on services, VAT and/or other taxes, customs, immigration or reservation management fees, cost and/or expenses for vaccines, tests and/or biochemical analyzes and/or all expenses derived from the sanitary requirements demanded for the entrance to the destination or the return to Argentina, withholdings or perceptions, current and/or future, costs and/or expenses derived from the urgent or express obtaining of documentation to travel, nor any other service that is not expressly indicated in the order service issued by this company;

2) Tickets to museums, archaeological sites, attractions, national parks, optional excursions, taxes and/or local tourist fees, communications, additional expenses caused by cancellations, delays in the departures or arrivals of means of transport, or for unforeseen reasons outside this company

3) Meals en route, except those that are expressly included in the programs.

4) Expenses and interest in credit operations.

5) Costs for visas and/or authorizations to enter the chosen destination when required (eg ESTA).

6) The expenses for prolongation of services or stays due to the voluntary desire of the passengers, or due to a fortuitous event, force majeure or situations beyond the reasonable control of the organizer and in general for any concept that is not specifically detailed in the corresponding itinerary, either situations of being stranded for health reasons ordered by government authorities; 7) In the case of vehicle rental, fuel costs, tolls, GPS, optional or mandatory taxes and insurance are not included, unless expressly indicated and described to the contrary.

8) Aircraft seat choice charges are not included. The agency will limit itself to requesting the airline the passenger’s preferred location -which may or may not have an additional cost-, but it does not guarantee that the airline will allocate the requested seats;

9) Travel assistance service. It is essential that passengers contract a travel assistance service according to the type and characteristics of the trip, destination, required coverage (cf. Schengen Treaty, in the case of travelers to Europe Euro zone) or other areas and/or countries that thus require it; punctually that covers pandemic situations of assistance and untimely cancellation of trips due to border closures. The agency will not be responsible for situations that may be covered by travel assistance services. The passenger must choose between the coverages that best cover their age and health situation.


This company -or the local operators- will have the right to request that they abandon the tour and/or tourist services at any point of the itinerary to any passenger whose disruptive conduct, way of acting, state of health and/or other serious reasons in of this company -or of the local providers in each destination- endanger and/or cause inconvenience to the other travelers and/or that could spoil the success of the excursion and/or its normal development. In those cases, the penalties established in the chapter “Alternations or Modifications” will be applied. In all cases, it is an essential condition that passengers act in good faith, respect for the people that make up the group, their property, the facilities of hotel establishments, means of transportation, places to visit or excursions, and guides, all of in accordance with standards of conduct that allow and facilitate group coexistence at all times. Likewise, the passenger undertakes to adopt all the health security measures provided by the authorities of the place of destination, hotel establishments, airlines, carriers, restaurants, etc. The passenger undertakes and is responsible for carrying out the health tests required by authorities or companies related to the trip. You should always check if the provider or the authorities have sanitary regulations required as a condition of admission, according to your nationality or age condition.


It is the inexcusable obligation of the passenger to obtain and present the documentation at the moments in which it is required by the immigration, police and/or health authorities and/or whoever corresponds throughout the entire itinerary. The passenger undertakes, at his expense, to process the health passport required by the origin and/or destination of the trip. The passenger is responsible for being adequately informed about the necessary documentation, visas and vaccinations, as well as the immigration requirements of foreign countries. Due to having been informed and the duty to be informed, no responsibility is assumed for deficiencies of any nature in the documentation, processing and/or lack of visas, errors in the issuance of personal documents, validity of passports and/or other travel documents, permits for travel with minors etc. In the event of documentation not properly presented, visas and/or vaccinations that prevent the passenger from leaving, entering, remaining and/or transiting in any country, the conditions established in the “Alternations or Modifications” section apply. If the passenger has a nationality other than Argentina, he must report this situation to this company and request to be informed about the requirements demanded by the destination of his trip according to the nationality he holds. It is the passenger’s responsibility to pay special attention to the information offered by the Travel Agent on the chosen destination and on the security protocols of hotel establishments, shipping companies and airlines, especially post-pandemic, as the measures can vary substantially according to the evolution of the health situation in each country. It is the passenger’s responsibility to duly and correctly inform the Travel Agency of all his personal data and of the people traveling with him, both in terms of full and correct names, nationality, numbers and type of document required, and other data that are requested according to the destination; You must inform if the passports and/or other documentation required to travel are duly updated and are in adequate, legible and in good condition, in addition to the necessary contact information requested by the airlines and/or carriers and/or operators, for security issues and in accordance with current international standards regarding PNR. It is the passenger’s obligation to inform the Travel Agency in writing about special needs that he may require both in flight and in airports and excursions. Depending on the chosen travel destination, there may be sites, excursions and/or places with difficulty or impossibility of access for people with reduced mobility, which is why it may happen that some excursion(s) cannot be provided by the operator. local tourist due to factual impossibility. In such cases, in accordance with the provisions of Law 25,643, information will be provided on which tour(s) or excursions could be prevented from being carried out and/or affected in their development. Services not rendered due to said circumstance are non-reimbursable.

This company will not be responsible for the processing and validity of the documentation of the traveler and their companions, nor for the inconveniences that they may suffer for this reason, and all the corresponding expenses due to delays and/or abandonment of the trip will be borne by the passenger. Motivate yourselves due to the lack or deficiency of the necessary documentation for its realization.


1) In the case of withdrawals that affect services contracted firmly by the Agency, the reimbursement requested before the trip will be subject to the contractual conditions under which the respective companies, hotels and/or operators at destination provide their services. In all cases in which reimbursements have to be made, the agency may withhold the price of the expenses incurred plus a commission of ten percent of the services contracted with third parties, cf. Art. 21 Dec. 2182/72. The deadlines for cancellations will begin to be counted from the moment this company receives reliable notice of the communication of cancellation of the trip. The sums resulting from the application of penalties for cancellations in any circumstance or the registration details for the tour or circuit will not be refundable, will not be compensated or applied to subsequent contracts. 2) In case of withdrawal of credit operations, the amounts paid to the travel agency for reports, administrative expenses, stamps and interest, if any, will not be reimbursed. 3) In all cases, special attention must be paid to the contracting conditions of the respective service since, in each case and each provider, imposes its certain contracting conditions. In times of special events, the canceled hotel service will not be refundable. 4). If the passenger does not show up to take the established services on the day, time and place indicated, the passenger will be considered a “NO SHOW” and will lose the total value of the contracted service, whether land or hotel services, whatever the reason, The respective contracting conditions will apply. 5) In the cases of cancellations produced by not reaching the minimum group of passengers planned for the excursion to take place, or for any other justified cause, registered passengers will only have the right to refund the sums paid up to the time of notification. An excursion may be canceled if any of the circumstances provided for in Art. 24 of Decree 2182/72 occur. 6) Passengers who voluntarily give up using any of the contracted services during the trip will not have the right to demand a refund of any amount, nor compensation for the services voluntarily withdrawn. 7) Returns or refunds in the event of travel withdrawal for reasons inherent to the passenger will be governed by the following penalties, unless the provider determines other conditions regarding the specially contracted service, which will be informed upon contracting:

-Cancellation up to 72 hours before the departure of the excursion or service: 100% money refund.
-Cancellation less than 72 hours before the departure of the excursion or service: no refund.

These penalties apply without prejudice to those established by the operator and/or service provider in their General Conditions and those reported in the case of services with penalties other than those stated. The sums resulting from the application of penalties for cancellations in any circumstance or the amounts given as a reservation will not be refundable and will not be compensated or applied to subsequent contracts.


The provisions of the previous point apply. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in these cases only the proportion of the price corresponding to land services will be refunded, if applicable (hotels, pensions, excursions) as determined by the organizer, according to the modality with which the service provider operates. Every time that the passenger has been duly informed by the Travel Agency of all the details of the trip in the first document or information issued by this company, and that the air providers and/or carriers may, for reasons of better service, produce alterations in the schedules, postponements and/or cancellations, amenities and/or equipment used, etc. The Travel Agency does not assume any responsibility, beyond the proper information, and records that in; In the case of ground transportation, the regulations of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, Law 26,994.

In accordance with current laws, when transport is carried out by all types of means, the traveler expressly submits to the rules of each contract, so that any compensation that may apply and that those responsible may pay will be paid to the beneficiaries, interested parties or legal representatives directly, in the currency, opportunity and place determined by the person responsible for the service, with the limitations established in each case by the regulations.


The right conferred on the client by the tourist services contract may be assigned or transferred to other persons up to 30 days before the departure date, provided that the requirements of the carrier, the hotelier or the service provider do not oppose it and the passenger communicates such decision in a reliable manner to the company with an anticipation of not less than 30 days from the date of departure. In the event that the passengers are of different ages (older-younger), the price of the rates in force at the time of the request will be adjusted. In all cases of assignment or transfer, the Travel Agency may receive a charge of 10% of the agreed amount. Due to international security regulations, the tickets that make up the air and/or maritime transport contract are not transferable to third parties, nor are all those services that by the provider’s disposition do not allow such assignment.


1) This company may act as a wholesaler or retailer, as the case may be; but it will always be an intermediary in the reservation or contracting of the different services linked and included in the respective tour or reservation of services: hotels, restaurants, means of transport or other providers. Notwithstanding this, the responsibility is determined according to the provisions contained in Law 18,829, its regulatory decree 2172/82, Resolutions of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Nation and amendments if applicable, Law 24,240 and CCCN.

2) This company is not responsible for fortuitous events or force majeure, climatic, natural, pandemic and epidemic phenomena, war conflict situations that occur prior to or during the development of the tour and that prevent, delay or in any way hinder the total or partial execution of the benefits committed by this company, all in accordance with the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation. The Agency will inform the passenger in case of conflict situations that the place of destination may go through and the passenger, duly informed, will personally decide whether or not to carry out the trip. It is left safe that all travel is subject to the health and/or immigration provisions of the country of origin and destination of each trip at the precise moment in which the trip must start or end. It is expressly stated that this company does not form any economic group or have any association with shipping companies, airlines, hotels or organizers of excursions, contests, promotions, resorts or other tour organizers, in the country or abroad, nor with the retail travel agency that markets its services and/or products.

3) Passengers must obligatorily contract travel assistance according to their age range and geolocation of the chosen destination, which must cover the entire stay time according to the trip and the minimum values of provision required at the place of travel destination. The passenger should check if there are special requirements in their travel destination in this regard. If they do not do so, it is understood that they personally assume all risks of any nature that could arise on their person, their property and/or third parties. All travel assistance, even that which is not contracted through the intermediation of this travel agency, must cover the “pandemic” contingency for assistance and cancellation or suspension of the trip.

4) The personal data contained in the travel reservations contracted through this company are treated in accordance with Law 25,326 and will be kept for the shortest time necessary. Only those essential data will be disclosed to specify the reservations of the chosen services. Regarding personal data: the owner of the personal data has the power to exercise the right of access to them free of charge at intervals of no less than six months, unless a legitimate interest is proven (cf. Art. 14, inc. 3rd Law No. 25,326). The National Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data has the power to deal with complaints and claims that are filed in relation to non-compliance with the rules on protection of personal data. The holder may at any time request the withdrawal or blocking of his name from the data banks in which his data is found. In all communication for advertising purposes that is carried out by mail, telephone, email, internet or other remote means, the possibility of the owner of the data to request the withdrawal or blocking, total or partial, must be indicated, expressly and prominently. , from your database name. At the request of the interested party, the name of the person in charge or user of the data bank who provided the information must be informed.


1) The providers reserve the right, for technical, operational and/or force majeure reasons -even due to epidemic or pandemic causes and sanitary and migratory measures of the different countries in which the tourist service is developed-, to totally or partially alter the daily ordering and/or services that make up the tour, before or during its execution. 2) Unless otherwise expressly provided, the stipulated hotels may be changed for another of the same or higher category within the same urban nucleus without any charge to the passenger. Regarding these variations, as long as they are made for reasons of better comfort, service and/or force majeure, the passenger will not be entitled to any compensation. 3) The travel agency will have the right to cancel any tour when any of the circumstances provided for in art. 24 of Decree No. 2182/72. 4) Once the trip has begun, the suspension, modification or interruption of the services by the passenger for personal reasons of any kind, will not give rise to any claim, refund or refund. The interruption of services due to causes attributable to the passenger entails costs. In all cases, the travel agency undertakes to provide technical assistance so that the passenger can continue their trip in the best possible conditions according to their scope. The passenger must assume the costs for early return, according to the penalties charged by the airlines.


Any question that arises due to the celebration, compliance, non-compliance, extension or termination of the present, may be submitted by the parties to the resolution of the National Consumer Arbitration Service, specifically the Tourism Arbitration service implemented by Resolution 65/2018. . In this regard, see: https://www.produccion.gob.ar/tramites/sistema-nacional-de-arbitraje-del-consumo-50052 and/or the Arbitration Court of the Argentine Federation of Travel and Tourism Companies and/or of the Arbitration Tribunals that function in their respective Regional Associations as long as they are formed. In case of submission to said jurisdiction, the contracting parties are subject to and accept all the conditions established by the Regulations of the Arbitral Tribunal that will be delivered by it, in a timely manner.


The present, and in its case the provision of services will be governed by these general conditions, by Law No. 18,829, its regulatory decree and concordant norms, as well as the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation and the Consumer Defense Law , known to the parties. All the documentation that is generated in favor of the passenger and delivered to the Agency as a result of the trip, will make up the Travel Contract, and is confidential information, protected by the Personal Data Protection Law – Law 25326. In aviation matters, the stipulations of the Aeronautical Code, Conv. Montreal y Res. 1532/98 M.E.O. and S.P. With regard to payments, the Communications of the BCRA regarding currency transfers abroad in force on the date and the regulations of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation in terms of obligations to give money in the case of legal tender or to give things when it comes to foreign currency.


The fact of making the payment of the registration fee or the reservation of the trip, implies on the part of both the agency and the passenger/s, full knowledge and total compliance with these General Conditions. All the services offered are subject to the modalities, cancellation and/or return conditions established by the tour operators, the airlines and fundamentally the sanitary provisions established by the government and/or immigration authorities of each of the destinations, whether interiors or trips abroad, all informed in detail prior to the purchase in each particular offer. These general conditions are reported in person, or by digital means (email, WhatsApp) or by any other means consented to by the parties for the contracting and are also published on the xxxxxxx website, as provided in article 4 of the Law 24,240, modified by art. 169 of Decree 27/2018 and Res. 915-E/2017. COMPANY NAME EVT. Leg 13962, with registered office at Rivadavia 130 Floor 1° Of. “A”, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, Te. (5492901)465331, [email protected], CUIT 27-24699352-7.

The parties use communication and information techniques, in accordance with art. 1106 CCCN, and the instrumentation of the travel contract will be done in person or by electronic means, as authorized by art. 287 CCCN, in accordance with the form of contracting that the parties choose.

It is part of the terms of this contract that the offer is subject to the corresponding national and/or foreign government and/or health authorizations in force on the date of the beginning or end of the trip/stay. The passenger must be attentive to the dynamic information from the authorities of the different destination countries of your trip.


In case of effective divergence between the services offered and the services contracted, the passenger may resort to the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation, located at Suipacha 1111, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Tel.: 4316-1600 and/or to the National Direction of Consumer Defense, Julio A. Roca 651, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and/or to the corresponding consumer offices according to their domicile.

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